
The internet of beautiful things

‘We are never looking for things, but we are looking for you’ Blaise Pascal.

In the past you just asked mom to get an answer. It doesn't matter whether it's baking a cake or getting the famous stain out of your shirt. But who do you ask about your technology, contracts and Internet-related topics? Today you use Frag Magenta (translating into 'Ask Magenta') for this, because over time she knows us and our individual topics as well as Mommy used to. Frag Magenta has a personal answer to everything our customers are interested in and - what is sometimes even more beautiful – it is simply always and soon available everywhere. Whether at home, on the bus, on a bike or in the car.

No matter whether today by voice or in the future via a message in a social network, Frag Magenta is there if you are looking for or need a specific answer quickly and reliably. And similarly in the digital world you need an experienced colleague like Ingmar Kliche, who makes the interaction between man and machine possible in the innovation hub at Deutsche Telekom. While the development of a prototype is still ‘simple’, the big challenge with the further development of Frag Magenta lies in a system that is gradually becoming more and more complex – above all because of the range of possible questions, the interactions and complexities the almost 80-strong team face every day. Only if the content of every response and every interaction channel is tailored to every single user can ai unfold its magic for the customer.